Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Adventures of Driving Standard.



"not catching."


"how much?"






Saturday, February 24, 2007

Let us get our act together.
Let us simply face it.

Messed up?
A need to change?
Aye: Only Slightly More Than Muchly.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Life Questions.

It causes a feeling of distance:
A distance from the security
that has never really been there.

It causes a question of existence:
Existence in this world
that sometimes seems to only sit here.

It causes a reflection of the past:
The past where mistakes appeared
and prompted dreams to crumble.

It causes a search that goes deeper:
Deeper than the surface
on which you and I always stumble.

It causes a stench of uncertainty:
The uncertainty that daunts
the very actuality of love.

It persists on a type of insanity:
Insanity that questions
the cause of all being.

It is a quest for answers:
Answers that have made no promise
of ever making an appearance.

a feeling of distance;
a question of existence;
a reflection of the past;
a search that goes deeper;
a stench of uncertainty;
a type of insanity;

encouraging the desires....
strengthening the doubts....

And it still falls short of an answer.

Saturday, February 3, 2007


Just throw it in there again....

Your foot-

That gaping hole
seems like a good place
for it to rest.

What the heck,
why not throw in both feet?

In fact,
I think I could
lend you mine.

My feet of course!

So that dark cavern of yours
might have plenty of company
in order to keep warm.

It must stay in business, you know.

And its menacing features
make it seem like such an inviting place
for them feet of ours
to rest.

[ FiM: also known as.... Foot in Mouth. ]