Thursday, April 12, 2007


i smile;
but you do not know my pain.

i cry;
but you do not know my reasoning.

i laugh;
but you do not know my thoughts.

i look you in the eyes;
but you do not recognize the tone.

i believe:
you do not understand.

so let us go back
to where it All began.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Dearest You In Reply.

Dear You [#2].
This is my reply.

Oh oh, my.
iLoveYou more...
And late, late-
Terribly late am I!
But I told you it was coming,
And see?
It did...
Because you are worth it.

On to the guy front:
If they are
Odded out-
Weirded out-
Freaked out-
They're all of the male variety.
And a short story made shorter:
They enjoy annoying the females.
[As they so recently showed us by.."Run!")

But know that there is
A lucky guy out there.
A lucky guy who will
One day appreciate you
Like none other.
He's out there.
Wait for him.
It'll be worth it.

Lately the days have been cloudy....

But overall, life is good!
Them musics make me sing,
And singing arranges for a good mood.
And that J-man, He's amazing;
Spending time with Him has done wonders.
I've done some realization, and hon....
He is worth it.

Keep your chin up.
You are in my Heart: Forever and Always.

Sincerely yours,

PS: Ohh, ohh, wait for it....

The A's will be squared in 8 hours!